Materials Testing Laboratory

Materials Testing Laboratory

At Achieveng, we understand the critical importance of accurate and reliable testing of construction materials. We offer a full range of laboratory testing services to ensure the quality and safety of your construction project.

We understand that timely and accurate test results are critical to the success of your project. Therefore, we track and monitor the samples we test from collection to analysis through our chain of custody observation. We also maintain laboratory accreditations from the AASHTO Accreditation Program (AAP), certifications from reputable organizations such as CaltransDSA, and HCAI, as well as undergo CCRL inspections and participate in their Proficiency Sample Program (PSP) to ensure the consistency of our testing. To view the full scope of accreditations for our San Jose, Fresno and Santa Maria labs, please visit the AASHTO Accreditation Directory and search for Achievement Engineering Corp. 

Our laboratory technicians utilize cutting-edge testing equipment to evaluate materials’ mechanical properties through various tests, including tensile and compression tests. Our team of field and laboratory personnel is certified to test a broad range of construction materials, such as soils, aggregates, concrete, reinforcing steel, structural steel, bituminous products, and masonry. 

Materials Testing Laboratory Services

Why Choose Achieveng
For Your Materials Laboratory Testing Needs?

At Achieveng, we are dedicated to providing high-quality laboratory testing services that will help you achieve your project goals. Our team of experienced professionals has the expertise and knowledge to provide effective testing solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of your project.

Here are some of the key benefits of choosing Achieveng for your laboratory testing needs:

  • Cutting-Edge Technology: Our laboratory technicians utilize cutting-edge testing equipment to evaluate materials’ mechanical properties accurately. 
  • Certified Personnel: Our team of field and laboratory personnel is certified by ACI, ICC, NICET, Caltrans, DSA, ASNT, AWS, etc. to test a broad range of construction materials.
  • Accreditations and Certifications: We maintain laboratory accreditations from the AASHTO Accreditation Program (AAP), certifications from reputable organizations such as Caltrans, DSA, and HCAI, as well as undergo CCRL inspections and participate in their Proficiency Sample Program (PSP) to ensure that our testing services meet the necessary quality and safety standards. 
  • Timely and Accurate Test Results: We understand that timely and accurate test results are critical to the success of your project. Therefore, we track and monitor the samples we test from collection to analysis through our chain of custody observation.

Contact Us Today!

If you are in need of geotechnical laboratory testing services for your project, contact us today. Our team of experts is ready to help you achieve your project goals and ensure that your construction project meets the necessary quality and safety standards.